Galileo Galilei was born on 15February 1564 in italy. Galileo has been called the "Father of modern science". In 1589,in his series of essays, he presented his theories about falling objets using an inclined plane to show down the rate of decent.

Galileo was also remarkble craftsman. He developed a series of telescope whose optical performance was much better than that of other telescopes availble during hos days

Around 1640, he designed the first Pendulam clock. In his book" Satrry Messenger" on his astronomical discoviries, Galileo claimed to have seen mountains on the moon, the milky way made up of tiny stars, and foursmall bodies orbiting disclosedhis observation of sun spots 

Using his  Own telescopes and through his observation on satrun and venus Galileo argued that all the plants must orbit the sun and not the earth country what was believed at the time.                                                      


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